North Dakota DECA


An effort to reconnect and expand North Dakota DECA possibilities.

Get Connected to A Chapter Near You

General Info

DECA is a leadership organization for students at the high school or college level with an interest in marketing, management, and entrepreneurship.

Strive to become an ambitious, high-achieving leader equipped to conquer the challenges of your aspirations.



Quick Info



Find a Chapter

Connect with DECA Members across the state. Find the name, advisor name and contact info on the Chapter Map Page. Happy Connecting! 

Chapter Map


Alumni Reconnect

We're reconnecting Alumni to an opportunity to give back to the Association that gave you so much along the way. 

Register as an Alumni



News & Events

With so many good things happening in our Chapters, it might be hard to keep up on the news! But you've come to the right place. See what's happening or submit your own DECA news here: 

DECA News & Events



Parent Resources

We have a special place to help DECA Parents get through this thing called DECA. Here it is: 

A Guide Just For Parents



Career Opportunities

DECA provides a place to network with industry leaders at every turn and we're fielding requests all the time for DECA Grads or DECA Members to take on roles at the best companies. We'll be launching a cool resource in just a few weeks! Keep checking back. 



Business Partners

We're in business to support students and we couldn't do it without the help of our Business Partners. See who they are and how you can support our mission here: 

Business Partners


ND Applebee's Helps ND DECA Raise Thousands

The impressive and generous partnership between Applebee's in ND and ND DECA ensures that members have the necessary funds for conference needs and once-in-a-lifetime travel opportunities. Thank You ND Applebee's! 

Officer Team Update

High School Officers are gearing up for Mid-Winter meetings. Leave them a note about what you're doing here: Submit Chapter News

Collegiate Officers are looking forward to Collegiate State Career Development Conference plans. All DECA Members are encouraged to compete and seek leadership positions!

What is DECA?

DECA is a leadership organization for students at the high school or college level with an interest in marketing, management and entrepreneurship. DECA programs exist in 39 of our high schools and career and technology centers in the state. Nine colleges and universities have a Collegiate DECA Chapter.

DECA at both the high school and college levels focus on leadership development, community service learning, career awareness and social responsibility. Members pay local, state and national dues to receive membership benefits. Chapter members qualify to compete at the local, state, and national levels in career-related competitive events.

Mission Statement 

DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management.


To provide the DECA experience for every student who seeks it throughout the state of North Dakota.

What We Do

Meet Your State Officers

Bring DECA to Your School

Featured Alumni 

Meet alumni DECA member Dan Harbeke.

A DECA Alumni from West Fargo High School, Dan is the author of the book, "Get In! How to Market Yourself and Become Successful at a Young Age." Dan currently works for Google as the Government Affairs and Public Policy Manager in the midwest.

He has served on a variety of boards including Junior Achievement in Utah, and the National History Museum. He has a marketing degree from Creighton University where he serves on the alumni board.

Dan Harbeke

ND DECA Alumni

Important Dates


November 15-17, 2024

Power Trip, Charlotte, NC

February 13-14, 2025

ND DECA Collegiate Leadership Conference, Fargo  - Collegiate Division 

March 2-4, 2025

North Dakota DECA Career Development Conference, Bismarck - High School Division


Our Story

ND DECA History

North Dakota DECA was chartered in 1953 and was organized around one ambition goal: to improve educational and career opportunities for American students. In the years since its formation, DECA has remained on the cutting edge of educational innovation and has become nationally known for integrating academic achievement with vocational skills and creating linkages with the business community.

Over time, the needs of our members have changed and we have changed to meet them. The fundamental reasons we formed remain at our core: first, effective marketing education gives young people the tools and aptitudes they need to pursue their dreams, and second, marketing education works best when it’s part of an integrated education program.


Our Guiding Principles

DECA members organize into chapters around courses, programs of study, academies or other forms of career and technical education programs that are engaged in preparing high school and college students for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management at the high school or college levels. A school or campus may have multiple chapters each reflecting the career focus or course content, or they may operate as a single chapter that includes one or more of the content areas.

A teacher, instructor or professor advises chapters in one or more of the content areas. This close connection to the curriculum is the key ingredient in members leveraging their DECA experience to become emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality or management. With this connection to the curriculum, DECA members and advisors are able to integrate DECA activities into the classroom, apply the classroom experience to project-based activities, connect to business partners at all levels and utilize competition to improve their performance.

Chapters are organized into state or provincial associations providing additional extended learning opportunities. These opportunities allow students to engage the broader business community, compete beyond their campus and network with their peers throughout the state or province.

DECA’s Comprehensive Learning Program:

Integrates into Classroom Instruction
An integral component of classroom instruction, DECA activities provide authentic, experiential learning methods to prepare members for college and careers.

Applies Learning
DECA members put their knowledge into action through rigorous project-based activities that require creative solutions with practical outcomes.

Connects to Business
Partnerships with businesses at local and broader levels provide DECA members realistic insight into industry and promote meaningful, relevant learning.

Promotes Competition
As in the global economy, a spark of competition drives DECA members to excel and improve their performance.

DECA prepares the next generation to be

Academically Prepared
DECA members are ambition, high-achieving leaders equipped to conquer the challenges of their aspirations.

Community Oriented
Recognizing the benefit of service and responsibility to the community, DECA members continually impact and improve their local and broader communities.

Professionally Responsible
DECA members are poised professionals with ethics, integrity and high standards.

Experienced Leaders
DECA members are empowered through experience to provide effective leadership through goal setting, consensus building and project implementation.

ND DECA Board of Directors

View the current Board of Directors

DECA Attributes and Values

View the ND DECA Attributes and Values