Chapter Officer Resources
Get on the way to meeting your Chapter’s goals with these tips and tactics. Have some know-how to share? Complete the online chapter feedback form and we’ll publish it for your fellow Chapter officers to use.
Successful chapters have engaged members, exciting activities, and an element of professional and personal development. The best chapters have a leadership team that makes a plan to meet goals, includes members, and works together with State Officers to make North Dakota DECA a great experience for all.
Check out these resources and get going on a great year!

DECA Guide for 2024-25 Year
Be The One as you prepare for college and careers!Sharing news, information, and resources to make North Dakota DECA better! DECA is an integral component of a program of courses within the marketing, business management, finance, and hospitality and tourism career...
Just like in business, continued growth is one of the keys to success. DECA’s membership campaign is designed to help your chapter grow by making the DECA experience available to more student members, keeping alumni involved and engaging professional members such as administrators, teachers, parents and business partners. Recognition for the Membership Campaign will be determined based on your membership submitted in the online membership system.
This campaign provides chapter members an opportunity to share with their school and community what DECA is all about and how their chapter is making a positive impact on its members and community. Conduct three school outreach activities, three community outreach activities and share three alumni success stories to complete this campaign.
DECA members are always finding unique ways to serve their community. Get recognized for your efforts through this campaign. It’s easy. Simply document one or more community service activities, be sure to have at least 75% of your members involved, and create at least one form of publicity or promotion.
This campaign takes place in February, during Career and Technical Education Month. Completing three school outreach activities, three public policymaker outreach activities and three community outreach activities will get your chapter recognized for this campaign. And your community will definitely know you are advocates of DECA and Career and Technical Education!
Each chapter is assigned to work with a North Dakota Association Officer to work with throughout the year. Chapter president, officers, and the local advisor should work with the assigned officer to assist throughout the year.
What's Working In Your Chapter?
We like to learn from those who have done it! So tell us what’s working in your chapter for socials, competition prep, leadership activities, DECA Week planning, and member recruitment!