DECA Invites Fargo Business Community to Participate at Conference
One of the reasons high school and college students get involved in DECA is because of it’s direct link to their future careers. You can help them explore those careers at the upcoming conferences to be held in Fargo, ND in October.
We invite the Fargo business community to volunteer a few hours and get involved with high school and college members.
Help DECA members as a Competition Judge or as part of the Executive Mentorship Program.
Monday, October 14, 2019
About 500 first-year high school DECA members will be experiencing their first competitive event on Monday, October 14!
This 2-3 hour committment is for Monday morning at the Holiday Inn Convention Center in Fargo, ND. We welcome all industries and levels of experience to volunteer their time. This would be a great time to help new members overcome their fear of presenting an idea and help them explore and improve their communication skills.
As a judge, you will be participating in a role play situation where the DECA Member has 10-minutes to prepare a solution to the marketing, management or general business problem as presented. In most cases, you will be this person’s hiring manager or superior. The scoring card gives specific performance indicators to help you choose the top competitor. Top competitors will be recognized at the closing session later that day!
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Executive Mentorship Program gives unique insight and direct access to Collegiate DECA Members and the Fargo business community.
The Executive Mentorship Program is in its 12th year and is the cornerstone of the Collegiate Leadership Conference Wednesday, October 16 from 10:00-11:45 with a luncheon to follow from 11:45 to 1:15pm at the Holiday Inn in Fargo, ND.
As a volunteer, you will be hosting conversations with 5-7 DECA Members about your company or industry for six 20-minute sessions. The Collegiate DECA Members are interested in job opportunities, growth, internships, and your personal story of career changes that lead to your current position. While this is not a prepared presentation, we hear from our members that they enjoy the tips for career preparation and life after graduation the most.
We expect approximately 120 or more college students to attend this year.
click the link above to send an email to Kevin Reisenauer. Subject: EMP Volunteer In the email, include your name, company, and position. If you were a DECA Member, tell us your Chapter name and years you particpiated!
Not able to make these dates work but you would still like to have your business involved? Consider sharing these opportunities with your coworkers and encourage them to participate OR step up as a conference sponsor. We look forward to helping you make a difference in high school and college member’s lives! Get Sponsorship Information
Sharing news, information, and resources to make North Dakota DECA better!