Chapter Activity Brainstorm List
Here is a helpful list to get your year planned. These are just a few ideas though! Use your imaginations and create your own Chapter Activities based on what your school, chapter, or members need and want. We can’t wait to hear about how you’re using them in your year.
Promotional Campaign Ideas
- DECA diamond scavenger hunt
- Decorate members locks during birthdays or special events
- Create your very own chapter promo video
- Share DECA’s promo video on chapter and personal social media accounts
- Reach out to past chapter officers, thanking them for their service
- Create flyers to hand out to students or hang up in your school’s hallways
- Reach out to local middle schools and ask if you can conduct informational meetings on DECA and CTE
Community Service Campaign Ideas
- Host a 5k walk/run with proceeds going towards a needy cause
- Volunteer at local homeless shelters
- Wrap presents in the mall
- Host a DECA dance with proceeds going towards a needy cause
- Assist other organizations in your community or school
- Sponsor a clothing or food drive
- Create DECA donations jars to be set up at events
- Volunteer time at retirement homes
- Teacher appreciation breakfast
Global Entrepreneurship Week Ideas
- Ask local business men/women to speak to your chapter
- Share entrepreneurship facts on social media
- Use school store to promote G.E.W.
- Participate in IDEA Challenge
- Post locker signs on DECA members locks promoting G.E.W.
- Host a DECA pizza party and invite local entrepreneurs to share their stories
Membership Campaign Ideas
- Setup a booth at freshman class orientation
- Invite non-DECA members to a fun DECA activity
- Challenge current members to talk to 3 non-DECA members each about the
- benefits of DECA
- Host a new member pizza party meeting
- Register last year’s seniors as alumni members
- Invite chapter sponsors or member parents to become professional members
Advocacy Campaign
- Create a video on how DECA has impacted members in a positive way, share with school officials and government officials
- Promote DECA in middle schools, host fun events to get kids excited about DECA
- Present and talk about DECA at a school board meeting
- Create a DECA fact sheet about your chapter and share on social media and with government officials
- Have members write letters or create postcards to send to government officials
- Arrange a meeting to discuss DECA with local legislators or the city mayor
Sharing news, information, and resources to make North Dakota DECA better!