Lead Your Peers

Being a member of the Officer Team is a great way to learn more about DECA, meet hundreds of new members, make lifelong friends and develop critical professional and personal skills. As a ND DECA Leader you’re the person who will inspire new members to get involved and activate returning members to to reach for their goals.  Are you up for the challenge? 


To be considered for a leadership position, you should have the support of your chapter and Chapter Advisor. 

Successful leaders have been active members and likely served in a leadership role in their chapters.  You’ve set and met goals, and you think you have more to give. 

As a ND HIGH SCHOOL DECA Officer you’ll find these experiences valuable: 

  • Project Management
  • Social Media Management
  • Membership Development
  • Membership Recruitment
  • Time Management
  • Member Resource Development 

Along with the above, you’ll grow in your communication and presentation skills as the host the Fall Leadership Conference and the State Career Development Conference. 


February 3, 2025: Online Application Form Submitted
Photo (in DECA Blazer) Submitted Electronically – Must have a plain white background

February 14, 2025: State Officer Test Completed and Submitted (Minus 10 points if not submitted  by 11:59 pm)

February 21, 2025: Virtual Candidate Interviews

February 28, 2025: State Officer Candidate Speech Due – Speech submitted to:  dunorby@nd.gov

March 2, 2025: Campaign Booth Constructed – Campaign Speech

March 2-3, 2025: Campaign Booths Open

March 3, 2025: Business Meeting and Election Session

March 4, 2025: New Officers Announced

June 2025: State Officer Training (Bismarck) REQUIRED TO ATTEND

*All candidate dates and guidelines are subject to change due to conference restrictions.

North Dakota State DECA ~ Officer Bylaw


1. Must be a senior in high school during the term of office.
2. Preside over and conducts state meetings in accordance with accepted parliamentary procedure.
3. Keeps the meeting to its order of business.
4. Sees that time limits are observed.
5. Works with other officers on state goals, to determine completion.
6. Responsible for assigned communication with officers and members.
7. Responsible for communication with chapter advisors and chapter presidents.
8. Prepares a list of promotional activities for each chapter to promote DECA.

Vice President

1. Assist the president in any activity.
2. Seeks information from chapter each month and compiles information for social media.
3. Communicate through email and mail with all chapter advisors and chapter presidents/vice presidents as determined.
4. Keep accurate records of each meeting, including the minutes.
5. Minutes are to be typed, printed, and distributed to the state officers and state advisor no more than 14 days after the meeting.
6. Provides the state advisor and the state president with a list of potential business partners for each meeting, no later than 14 days prior to each meeting.
7. Reports financial information at state meetings.
8. Seeks, gathers, and classifies news from chapter reporters/advisors/presidents for printed newsletter or social media.
9. Works with the state advisor to prepare material for the web site or social media.
10. Promote DECA in a positive manner on all social media sites.

* All Officers will also sign and comply with the North Dakota DECA Officer Code of Conduct.