by North Dakota DECA | May 6, 2024 | 2023-24, High School News, ND DECA, Scholarships & Awards
2023-2024 ND DECA Competitive Event Winners ND Champions! Sharing news, information, and resources to make North Dakota DECA better! Congratulations to the top scorers from the North Dakota Career Development Conference! 130+ judges from businesses across the state...
by North Dakota DECA | Sep 27, 2023 | 2023-24, High School News, High School Officers, State Officers
2023-2024 ND DECA Leadership Team Meet the Team As a team, it is our mission to build DECA Membership and encourage members to have fun while preparing for a career, competition, and your future. We are excited to serve the members of North Dakota and help...
by North Dakota DECA | Sep 27, 2022 | 2022-23, Collegiate News, Collegiate Officers, State Officers
2022-23 ND Collegiate DECA Leadership Team Meet the Team A team with big dreams. The best part is they each possess the know-how to take ND Collegiate DECA to the next level. TAYLOR STEGMAN Vice President Mayville State University SDF SDF...
by North Dakota DECA | Mar 16, 2022 | 2022-2023, High School News, ND DECA, Scholarships & Awards
2022-2023 ND DECA Competitive Event Winners Sharing news, information, and resources to make North Dakota DECA better! ND Champions! Congratulations to the top scorers from the North Dakota Career Development Conference! Many judges from businesses across the state...
by North Dakota DECA | Oct 30, 2021 | 2021-22, High School News, High School Officers, State Officers
2020-2021 ND DECA Leadership Team Meet the Team As a team, it is our mission to effectively prepare DECA members with materials involving 21st Century Skills in business to guide them to success. We are excited to serve the members of North Dakota and help...