College Competitive Events
An overview of the events offered at the North Dakota Collegiate DECA Conference.
Collegiate DECA’s Competitive Events Program allows students to put their experience, skills and knowledge to the test while representing their college or university. Students compete for top international honors in one of 18 different competitions.
Collegiate DECA competitive events recognize student achievement, provide opportunities for traveling to conferences and networking with peers.
The Collegiate DECA Competitive Events Program is recognized for helping to prepare students for their professional careers. Students are judged by business and industry professionals in all Collegiate DECA competitive events.
Types of Events
Business Simulation events include an interactive role play and a written multiple choice exam.
Case Study events involve analyzing real world case situations and presenting solutions.
Prepared Business Presentation events involve preparing a written prospectus, design, sales presentation or Website and presenting the work for evaluation.
2024 Competitive Events
2024 Collegiate DECA Competitive Events Results

Business Research
Business-to-Business Marketing
Emerging Technology Marketing Strategies
Fashion Merchandising and Marketing
International Marketing
Marketing Communications
Marketing Management
Professional Sales
Sales Management Meeting
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
Business Research
Human Resource Management
Retail Management
Financial Accounting
Financial Statement Analysis
Managerial Accounting
Stock Market Game
Entrepreneurship – Starting a Business
Entrepreneurship – Growing Your Business
Hotel and Lodging
Restaurant and Food Service Management
Travel and Tourism
Put Your Skills To The Test
The awards are ready, the judges are set – we just need you! Choose your competitive event(s) and we’ll see you at the North Dakota Collegiate DECA State Career Development Conference.