by North Dakota DECA | Sep 19, 2019 | 2019-20, High School News, ND DECA
1,000 Ways to Show You Care Sharing news, information, and resources to make North Dakota DECA better! The North Dakota DECA officers have set a goal to collect items for Open Doors 65 to fulfill the need for those in the Fargo area who need them most. All items that...
by North Dakota DECA | Sep 16, 2019 | 2019-20, Collegiate News
This is the conference to test your skills and improve your resume! Choose a competitive event that matches best with your future career and show up to do your best and earn top honors and the right to represent ND at the International Career Development Conference. ...
by North Dakota DECA | Sep 16, 2019 | 2019-20, ND DECA
One of the reasons high school and college students get involved in DECA is because of it’s direct link to their future careers. You can help them explore those careers at the upcoming conferences to be held in Fargo, ND in October. We invite the Fargo business...