News & Resources
All North Dakota DECA news published in one place. Want to submit your Chapter’s news? Use the form below!
Check out these recent articles to help you make the most of your year.
Collegiate Leadership Conference
The 2023 Collegiate Leadership Conference was held in Fargo from October 31 – November 1. Keynote speaker Holly Hoffman who was on the Survivor Reality Show, had the students engaged through her presentation and workshop. Collegiate DECA members from 8 colleges were represented, attending workshops on Opportunities for DECA members, the Passport Program, and competition. Collegiate members collected over 100 pairs of mittens and hats and presented them to Bridging the Gap, a non-profit organization that helps children in the Fargo Area. The non-profit was started by a former DECA member and continues to help the community. The Executive Mentorship Program is in its 19th year and features local businesspeople who share their career pathway story along with company information such as job opportunities, internships, etc. with students.

Introducing ND 2024-2025 Collegiate Officer Team
Meet the Team A team with big dreams. The best part is they each possess the know-how to take ND Collegiate DECA to the next level. President Mayville State UniversityVice President University of MaryVice President Mayville State University

Introducing ND 2023-2024 Collegiate Officer Team
Meet the Team A team with big dreams. The best part is they each possess the know-how to take ND Collegiate DECA to the next level. President Mayville State UniversityVice President University of MaryVice President Mayville State University

Introducing 2022-2023 Collegiate Officer Team
Meet the Team A team with big dreams. The best part is they each possess the know-how to take ND Collegiate DECA to the next level. Vice President Mayville State UniversityPresident Mayville State University

Introducing 2021-2022 Collegiate Officer Team
Meet the Team A team with big dreams. The best part is they each possess the know-how to take ND Collegiate DECA to the next level. Vice President NDSCS - WahpetonVice President North Dakota State University President Mayville State University Vice President...

How to Write A Letter To A Potential Professional Member
Starting a conversation via mailed letter or email is an important step in successfully recruiting business professional members and supporters for your ND DECA Chapter!
Use this guide to write your own compelling letter to gain more professional members for your chapter!
2023-2024 ND DECA Competitive Event Winners
ND Champions! Sharing news, information, and resources to make North Dakota DECA better! Congratulations to the top scorers from the North Dakota Career Development Conference! 130+ judges from businesses across the state heard...
2022-2023 ND DECA Competitive Event Winners
ND State DECA Champtions!Congratulations to the top scorers from the North Dakota Career Development Conference! Judges from businesses across the state heard presentations in Bismarck, ND and the top competitors were recognized at the Grand Awards Sessions.Moments at...
2022-2023 ND DECA Competitive Event Winners
Sharing news, information, and resources to make North Dakota DECA better! ND Champions!Congratulations to the top scorers from the North Dakota Career Development Conference! Many judges from businesses across the state heard...
2022-2023 ND Collegiate DECA Competitive Event Winners
Collegiate ICDC 2023 Award WinnersNorth Dakota Collegiate DECA 2023 Award WinnersEntrepreneurship Starting a Business1st - Eden Mayer, Jeremiah Wroblewski, Katelyn Trumbauer - University of Mary2nd - Hazem Major - UND3rd - Deidra Flanders - Lake Region State College...
How to Write A Letter To A Potential Professional Member
HISTORY IN THE MAKING Sharing news, information, and resources to make North Dakota DECA better! Starting a conversation via mailed letter or email is an important step in successfully recruiting business professional members and...
A Guide to Create Experiences at the Chapter Level
Plan The Year Sharing news, information, and resources to make North Dakota DECA better! What's the point of having a chapter if you're not leading or learning? Don't just sit there. Grab these ideas and run with them. This is a...
How to Complete the Collegiate DECA Advocacy Campaign
Three Ways to Advocate for Collegiate DECA Reprinted from January 2018, DECA DIRECTFebruary is Career & Technical Education Month (CTE Month). Career & Technical Education is an integral part of the nation’s education and...
Ready to Go for 2019-2020
Go for it all this year! Sharing news, information, and resources to make North Dakota DECA better! 2023-24 is the year to do all things DECA. Like complete a community service project, learn sales skills with a chapter fundraiser project, improve project management...